Protecting the beautiful rivers, wild lands and legendary botanical diversity of Oregon's Kalmiopsis Country

Baldface Creek

Please go to the Baldface Creek page at Kalmiopsis Rivers

This wild creek, is a pristine tributary of the National Wild and Scenic North Fork Smith River and it’s endangered. It’s one of the crown jewels of the famed Wild and Scenic Smith River system. The Forest Service found Baldface Creek and its perennial tributaries eligible to become National Wild and Scenic Rivers.

Baldface Creek flowing into the National Wild and Scenic North Fork Smith River
Baldface Creek flowing into the National Wild and Scenic North Fork Smith River

Baldface Creek flows out of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness into the South Kalmiopsis Roadless Area, Oregon’s largest unprotected national forest wild area. The creek and its wild watershed are unprotected and threatened by a foreign owned company’s attempt to develop a nickel strip mine alone its lower reaches. The mine would span the length Taylor Creek, a major tributary of Baldface Creek.

Learn more about – Baldface Creek | A most endangered river